Additional care for skin dried by treatments
HYSÉAC R is the perfect ally for skin that has been dried out by treatments as it brings immediate and long-lasting comfort.
Soothes immediately
Its formula enriched with TLR2 REGUL (Uriage patent) and Prickly pear cactus extract reinforces the soothing performance of the product and delivers immediate comfort.
Restores the skin barrier
With the patented complex Cerasterol-2F, this product helps to rebuild and reinforce the skin barrier while respecting its natural physiology.
The active ingredients provide long-lasting hydration.
Significantly deep hydrated oily/combination skin which dried due to medication usage.
Uriage Thermal Water
Prickly pear cactus extract
- Hypoallergenic
- Non-comedogenic
- Oil-free
مرطب علاجي للبشرة التي سبب جفافها تناول بعض الادوية المعالجة للحبوب مثل الرواكتان
يرطب البشرة بعمق و يهدئ تحسس البشرة وبالوقت نفسه يعالج الحبوب ويمنع تكونها
خفيف القوام مناسب جداً للبشرة الدهنية والمختلطة
يستخدم صباحاً ومساءا لترطيب البشره