The Purest Solutions
Niacinamide %5 + Zinc Pca %1
Intensive Pore Tightening & Lightening Serum
Niacinamide, also known as vitamin B3, aims to reduce the appearance of enlarged pores, balance skin tone inequalities and create smooth skin texture. It helps strengthen the skin barrier and give the skin a healthy appearance.
– Skin with oily and pore problems
– Oily skin prone to acne
Gently apply to your skin in AM and PM routines after cleansing. There is no need to rinse after application.
Active Ingredients:
- Zinc PCA:Helps balance sebum secretion and regulate skin flora. It is effective in the regeneration of the skin by taking part in the skin’s moisture and metabolism energy.
- Niacinamide:It is effective in strengthening the skin barrier, balancing sebum secretion and regeneration of the skin. It helps the skin gain a brighter look by reducing hyperpigmentation. It protects the skin against photoaging and protects against loss of elasticit.
- Salix Purpurea Bark Extract:The herbal active ingredient obtained from willow tree bark shows salicylic acid-like effect on the skin, it is soothing and anti-bacterial.
- Amur Mushroom Tree Extract:It known with its antibacterial and anti-oxidant abilities, Phellodendron Amurense Bark Extract, herbal active has been used for the regeneration process of the skin in Japan, Korea and China for centuries.
نياسيناميد %5 + زنك Pca %1
شد المسام المكثف & سيروم التفتيح
يهدف النياسيناميد، المعروف أيضًا باسم فيتامين ب3، إلى تقليل ظهور المسام المتوسعة، وموازنة عدم المساواة في لون البشرة وخلق ملمس ناعم للبشرة. يساعد على تقوية حاجز الجلد ويمنح البشرة مظهرًا صحيًا.
– البشرة التي تعاني من مشاكل الدهنية والمسام
– البشرة الدهنية المعرضة لحب الشباب
كيفية الاستخدام؟
ضعيه بلطف على بشرتك في روتين الصباح والمساء بعد التنظيف. ليست هناك حاجة للشطف بعد التطبيق.